On July 2017, AMD hosted a massive tech day event in Los Angeles to introduce Radeon Vega, their most sweeping graphics architecture change in years. With global press in attendance, leading executives and engineers from the company announced and showcased the power behind their latest line of gaming and professional graphic products. We partnered with them to help design and develop the launch presentation of this much anticipated event.

The flow of the event was split into three main parts. First, the introduction of RX Vega, their line of gaming cards which have long been awaited by gamers and consumers. This was followed by a series of product, software, and partnership announcements from the Radeon Pro line, which caters to professional users.

In order to maximize the impact of the launch, we refined the messaging structure of the presentation so as to pace the climactic moments of an evening packed with announcements. In addition, we designed the keynote visuals and aligned these with the new Radeon brand look and feel, as well as Vega's product-specific assets.

The third and last portion of the event was dedicated to Vega's revolutionary architecture, where lead engineers from the company explained in more detail the new features that made this new design so distinctively special. We helped the technical marketing team wireframe and design the diagram concepts, as well as collaborated in the production of Vega's architecture whitepaper. A copy of it can be download here.